Our current course offerings.

Graduate-level Courses:
ME-655 Wearable Robotics and Sensors
Review of introductory robotics and modern control topics. Biomechanics of human locomotion: kinematics and kinetics, intro to OpenSim. Design, analysis, sensing, actuation, and low-level control of robotic exoskeletons and powered orthoses. Finite state machines for powered orthoses. Principles of human cooperative control for rehabilitation and assistance. Model-based and model-free assistive controllers. Machine learning control in wearable robotics. Overview of wearable inertial sensors and applications to motion analysis and wearable robotics. Supervised learning methods for motor task classification and motion analysis.
Prerequisite: ME 598 Introduction to Robotics.
ME-654 Advanced Robotics
Modern control systems and MIMO applications. State estimation, observation, and prediction. Design, characterization, motion planning, control, and applications of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots.
Prerequisite: ME 598 Introduction to Robotics.
ME-651 Analytic Dynamics
Fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics, principle of virtual work, D'Alembert's principle, Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange’s equations, Hamilton’s equations. Motion relative to moving reference frames, rigid-body dynamics, Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Problems and applications using Matlab Simscape.
Prerequisite: None.
ME-800 Special Problems in Mechanical Engineering
For the degree of Master of Engineering. 3 research credits. Requires a minimum commitment of one semester, a short technical report (conference paper format) and a final presentation. Topic and objectives to be discussed with the PI. Interested?

Research opportunities for Undergraduate Students:
The WRS Laboratory regularly hosts undergraduate students who want to become actively involved in ongoing research projects. You will be paired with a senior research assistant and will be asked to take a lead on a subsection of a bigger research project.

If you are a freshmen, sophomore, or junior undergraduate at Stevens,
consider joining us over the summer through the Stevens Pinnacle Scholar Program or the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summer Scholarship.
A number of our summer interns decide to continue working with us over the following academic year. Contact us to learn how to earn research credits as an undergraduate research assistant in the WRS Lab.
If you are a rising senior, consider joining our lab for your capstone design project. Every year, we have a few externally funded projects with budgets in the range $5,000-10,000. Contact us to learn more about this year’s projects.

Are you a high-school student who is passionate about wearable robotics?
Come and join us as a high-school summer intern! Contact us to learn about a list of available projects.
Note: the WRS Lab can only accept a limited number of students over the summer. If you are interested in working with us, please consider contacting us early in the Spring term.